Born in Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, Evgenia spent her first years of life there, She showed her fondness of painting art, when she was still a little girl. So in 2005 she entered M.A, Sholokhov State Humanitarian University in Moscow to study painting and graphic arts. Her brilliant teachers who nurtured love to art in her helped Eugenia to plunge into the world of painting art, so she never parted with her labour of love from then onward. For three years in a row - from 2007 to 2009 - Eugenia spent summers in Venice attending plein-air sessions. Besides study¬ing paintings by great Renaissance masters, in Italy she made copies of art masterpieces. Since 2009 she has been working in workshops of «We Paint» Visual Arts Studio. It was there that her first solo exhibition was held in 2011. Everyday painting sessions and journeys inspired Evgenia for another art show which was arranged in Pierre Cardin Center of Arts in the very heart of Paris, in Avenue Gabriel, not far from Place de la Concorde, in 2012. Besides Espace Pierre Cardin Salon, the artist experienced one of the most significant events in her biography - an art show in Carouselle Du Louvre (the capacious exhibition hall Carrousel du Louvre in Louvre hosts large-scale annual displays like Parisian Photo Exhibition). After her return to Russia, Eugenia started getting ready for another solo exhibition in Moscow. In November 2012 she held her second solo display in «The Sculptors» Cultural Center. Evgenia Marki is the author of «Watercolours for Your Heart» Course. Currently she arranges master-classes presenting the programme in workshops in Moscow and abroad. «Infinity» Gallery, which was founded by Eugenia in 2010, presents works by contemporary watercolour painters collaborating with international Arts Centers and Exhibition Centers. After moving to Barcelona Evgenia created her «Russia» series of nostalgic works. When the artist comes to Moscow, she arranges workshops for apprentices and takes an active part in art events.